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What's Your Passion?

There’s a lot of commotion and distraction in life demanding your attention.

Close your eyes. Block out the noise. Slow down. Ease your stream of consciousness. Focus. Be aware of your system slowing down. Be in the moment. Just be.

Here. Right here. In the here in now. This is all that matters. You matter. Everything else can find its place. Note your heartbeat. Consciously breathe. Release tension from each muscle and joint. Relax.

Where is your mind in this calm space? Who are the people that surface in your thoughts? The memories? The plans? Aspirations? Dreams? Your heart’s desire?

There. Right there. At the core of who you are. There is your purpose. Who you are and what you are meant to be. Not what anyone else asks of you. Not what you were told as a child. Who you know yourself to be.  And wrapped around that? What you want to fulfill for yourself in this life. In this career. That is your passion.

Name it. Reconnect to it. Recognize that all of your being, your intentions and abilities, point to this goal that grabs you heart and mind and thrills your soul at the very possibility that you…yes, YOU…have this opportunity to make it your life’s work and its crowning achievement.

Why would you let anyone or anything else take priority over this? Why let other demands and distractions compromise your focus and your energy to that which makes your heart pound and your spirit soar?

This is who you are. This is why you are an educator. This is what makes you worthy. It’s all about your passion.

Don’t let anyone take it from you or lessen the flame or hijack your journey.

Seek out those who fan the flames.

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